Below Deck S10 E13; Another One Bites The Dust

Captain Sandy lets go of an integral member of the crew, leaving the team operating a man down on a charter full of beauty queens. One guest in particular takes her incessant requests to the limits, pushing Chef Rachel and the interior to their wit’s end. Windy weather ruins excursion plans and the deck team has to think on their feet to come up with a creative alternative plan.

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Copyright © Universal Pictures Subscription Television Limited 2019. Universal Pictures Subscription Television Limited / 05942255 / 1 Central St Giles, St Giles High Street, London WC2H 8NU hayu content is not suitable for children. Shows may contain scenes of a sexual nature, mild violence, drugs references and strong language - please see content ratings.
version: 2.45.0
version shaka: 3_1_2