Below Deck Adventure S1 E7; Aye, Aye, Captain Deckhand

In the aftermath of Nathan’s fall down the stairs, Lewis and Capt. Kerry worry they’ll be down yet another deckhand as they await the arrival of a new crew member. During service, the interior team continues its ongoing battle with the exterior when Mike misses a walkie call to help carry plates to the table. Primary Charter guest Heather Gay and friends request a Fire and Ice theme for their final dinner

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Copyright © Universal Pictures Subscription Television Limited 2019. Universal Pictures Subscription Television Limited / 05942255 / 1 Central St Giles, St Giles High Street, London WC2H 8NU hayu content is not suitable for children. Shows may contain scenes of a sexual nature, mild violence, drugs references and strong language - please see content ratings.
version: 2.46.0
version shaka: 3_1_2